Almost 50 migrant have pitched their tents near the Grand Canal – – Our News, Your Views

Almost 50 migrant have pitched their tents near the Grand Canal

Approximately fifty tents containing asylum seekers have been set up at Ranelagh, County Dublin, close to the Grand Canal.

Since Thursday night, asylum seekers have begun arriving at the Charlemont Place encampment. The front entrance of an abandoned office building there is currently covered in tents.

The International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) released its most recent statistics last week, showing that as of June 23, 1,014 asylum seekers were lodging in tents, while 279 arrived in Ireland.

This morning, a man—who wished to remain anonymous—arrived at Charlemont Place but was unable to locate a spot to pitch his tent.

The Ghanaian mechanic, 34, said he had to “run for his life” on a “dangerous” trip through Libya, Italy and France, to reach Dublin.

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