Anger over Minister Regina Doherty saying ISIS bride Lisa Smith should be brought back to Ireland from Syria immediately – – Our News, Your Views

Anger over Minister Regina Doherty saying ISIS bride Lisa Smith should be brought back to Ireland from Syria immediately

There’s been absolute outrage online after it emerged that Fine Gael’s Regina Doherty announced that ISIS bride Lisa Smith should be brought back to Ireland immediately from Syria with the 2-yr-old daughter.

Social media users have been left angered with Doherty’s comments who appeared to be quite flippant about the public’s genuine and legitimate concerns at the thoughts of the likes of Smith being welcomed back to Ireland with open arms.

The Fine Gael TD and Minister for social protection Regina Doherty says that ISIS bride Lisa Smith is an Irish citizen with a small baby that she should be allowed return to Ireland with the the government helping to bring her back home to Ireland.

Doherty said that she knows there’s concerns from some people that she poses a security risk but that surely the government can do a security assessment and deal with that.

There’s massive opposition to the ISIS bride Smith returning from her beloved Syria. Smith left Ireland three years ago having served in the Air Corps and even on the government jet and made her new bed in Syria. Many feel that she should stay there and has no place living back in Ireland.

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