Anti-immigrant sentiment is one of the reasons in rising arson attacks, says Garda Commissioner – – Our News, Your Views

Anti-immigrant sentiment is one of the reasons in rising arson attacks, says Garda Commissioner

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has stated that he thinks an 11% rise in arson charges is partially due to anti-immigration sentiment, reports RTE.

The Central Statistics Office issued crime data earlier today that show the increase.

The numbers contrast the year-to-date crime statistics with those from the preceding 12 months as of the end of March.

Anti-immigration sentiment is “certainly” present, according to Commissioner Harris.

“I do think that it is the motivation for some of the arson attacks that we have seen,” he said. “I cannot say the complete rise in our figures is down to those incidents but, certainly, that has been a driver for the increase we have seen over the last 12 months,” reports RTE.

Commissioner Harris expressed great worry about a revival of organised crime, citing Ireland in particular as a potential destination for major narcotics consignments.

“Organised crime groups are always trying to find a chink in the armour, to move big amounts of commodity, so it’s a big concern that Ireland is being targeted in that way,” he said, reports RTE.

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