Fine Gael Senator John McGahon from Dundalk is being sued over alleged assault of man outside pub – – Our News, Your Views

Fine Gael Senator John McGahon from Dundalk is being sued over alleged assault of man outside pub

A man who claims that Fine Gael Senator John McGahon assaulted him outside a pub six years ago is suing McGahon in the High Court, reports Breaking News.

Breen White, a farmer from Castleblaney, County Monaghan, filed a lawsuit against Mr. McGahon on June 16, 2018, alleging assault and battery outside the Rum House bar in Dundalk, County Louth.

Following the event, Mr. McGahon was elected to the Seanad, but he has refuted the allegations, reports Breaking News.

The court was also informed that Mr. McGahon, of Dundalk’s Faughart Gardens, was found not guilty of assaulting Mr. White and causing him hurt at a trial in the Circuit Criminal Court last year.

Mr. White says in his High Court legal suit that Mr. McGahon put his arm around his wife Linda and said: “you are coming with me,” reports Breaking News.

He testified in front of the court and jury that when he objected, Mr. McGahon said, “What is it to you?” to which he answered, “She’s my wife.” Before the pair left on foot, Mr. McGahon muttered some remarks and waved his hands, he claimed.

He claimed that after that, Mr. McGahon followed him outside, took hold of his arm, and asked, “What’s your problem with me?” “I have no problem with you, go about your business,” he stated in response.

Mr. White stated “Who are you, I don’t know you, what’s your name, and I said you wouldn’t know me,” Mr. McGahon said at that point, reports Breaking News.

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