Govt are amending the law on face coverings at protests, says McEntee – – Our News, Your Views

Govt are amending the law on face coverings at protests, says McEntee

According to the Minister for Justice, the government plans to amend the legislation to enable gardaí to order demonstrators to take off their masks and facial coverings, reports RTE.

It is unacceptable, according to Helen McEntee, for disguised gangs to target a person’s house or family.

In order to get the updated legislation along as quickly as possible, the minister stated that she will urge the Attorney General to look into the matter.

The Garda Commissioner expressed his alarm about recent events and assaults on politicians during the election campaign, saying he has asked for more authority for the gardaí, reports RTE.

Twice, protesters have gathered in front of the Taoiseach’s house in County Wicklow.

On May 2, while Simon Harris’s wife and two kids were inside, a dozen or so people wearing masks carried anti-immigrant signs outside their home.

Another small group of masked anti-immigrant protestors demanding border restrictions and carrying Irish flags visited the Taoiseach’s house earlier this month. They were there for a short while before being told to leave by gardaí, reports RTE.

The Taoiseach’s house was the target of a bomb threat on Wednesday.

At the Garda College at Templemore, where more than 150 new gardaí were graduating, Commissioner Harris delivered a speech, reports RTE.

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