McDonald’s worker in Dublin who applied sauce to burgers loses €60,000 repetitive strain injury claim – – Our News, Your Views

McDonald’s worker in Dublin who applied sauce to burgers loses €60,000 repetitive strain injury claim

A McDonald’s worker who allegedly suffered a repetitive strain injury from applying hundreds of dollops of mustard, ketchup, and brown sauce on hamburgers every day lost a €60,000 damages lawsuit against the business, reports Breaking News.

Persion Restaurants Limited’s attorney, Barrister Paul Henry O’Neill, informed Circuit Civil Court Judge Sinead Ni Chulachain that no McDonald’s outlet in the UK or Ireland had a comparable claim.

Alongside Donough Shaffrey of Shaffrey Solicitors in Cornelscourt, Dublin, Mr. O’Neill stated that his study had not turned up any evidence of a comparable allegation in any of the 38,000 locations worldwide for the corporation, reports Breaking News.

One of McDonald’s finest employees, Paulina Wojtowicz of The Court, Belgard Heights, Tallaght, said she was forced to pour dressings onto burger after burger as part of a manufacturing assembly line at the company’s Kylemore Road location.

According to Wojtowicz (31) the work was too hard, demanding, intense, and dangerous; as a result, she received an injury to her right hand’s little finger in January 2019 after experiencing an abrupt and severe pain.

She had been off work for many weeks after being moved to other responsibilities that day. After seeing her general practitioner, she had surgery in Poland to remove a tumour from the base of her right little finger, reports Breaking News.

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