‘The camera won’t lie’ – frontline gardaí in Dublin are starting to wear bodycams – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

‘The camera won’t lie’ – frontline gardaí in Dublin are starting to wear bodycams

Image source: TheLiberal.ie

Ahead of a planned nationwide roll-out of the technology early next year, about 350 gardaí from three police stations in Dublin have started wearing body cameras, reports RTE.

When activated, the cameras, which will be worn on a garda’s breast, will glow red.

While it is not required, Gardaí will be urged to notify the public when they are in use as a matter of best practices, reports RTE.

The collected video would remain inaccessible until the cameras were inserted into a docking station, after which it would be moved to a central repository.

Only when a member is utilising their garda powers may they be turned on.

“It’s been a long frustration of many people in this country that it often seems that the only person seen at a crime or a protest without a camera has been the guard,” Simon Harris said, reports RTE.

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