‘A huge learning curve’ – Survey takes place over night life accessibility for wheelchair users – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

‘A huge learning curve’ – Survey takes place over night life accessibility for wheelchair users

A recent poll seeks to learn more about the difficulties that wheelchair users and other disabled individuals have in their social lives in towns and cities so that workable solutions may be implemented to ensure that nightlife is accessible to everyone, reports RTE.

The ‘Night-Time Economy Accessibility Survey’ aims to investigate the obstacles faced by artists and consumers with impairments trying to access the nighttime economy.

In her weekly email “Legless in Dublin,” DJ, journalist, writer, and disability rights activist Louise Bruton delves into topics related to accessibility.

Ms. Bruton is tasked with drawing attention to the survey and getting other wheelchair users excited about it.

Speaking to RTÉ News in Temple Bar, she said: “This part of town is a great example of the many problems for me when trying to plan a night out. It’s not even the access to venues but even getting there is a challenge. Cobblestones, broken pavements, bins, cars and bikes blocking access points all make arrangements hard. Then you get to the front door of a venue and the lift is broken or the doorway is blocked. It can be very frustrating,” reports RTE.

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