Aer Lingus say they’ll contact passengers as flights cancelled due to industrial action – – Our News, Your Views

Aer Lingus say they’ll contact passengers as flights cancelled due to industrial action

The airline Aer Lingus will start contacting passengers on Friday who will be affected by the pilots’ strike next week, reports Breaking News.

Following their vote in favour of industrial action, the airline’s pilots will go on an indefinite work-to-rule starting on Wednesday, meaning they won’t be doing extra or after-hours work.

Aer Lingus has called the action “insidious,” cancelling up to 20% of flights over the course of five days.

Aer Lingus’s chief corporate affairs officer, Donal Moriarty, stated that the company was acting to stop more cancellations, reports Breaking News.

He warned that there was a chance that further cancellations might be required since this type of industrial action “gets worse day by day.”

“What will happen over the next couple of days is that impacted passengers will be contacted and advised of cancellations if it affects them and then given their options in terms of refund, re-accommodation or voucher,” he told RTÉ Radio, reports Breaking News.

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