Anger from LGBT brigade after Wicklow LGBT disco for children as young as 13 postponed after parents express disgust and genuine concerns – – Our News, Your Views

Anger from LGBT brigade after Wicklow LGBT disco for children as young as 13 postponed after parents express disgust and genuine concerns

A homosexual pride disco for children has forced to postpone advertised as “an LGBTQ+Ally disco for teens aged 13-16” at the Newtown Community Centre due to what the organisers claim were threats.

Wicklow Pride organisers announced via Instagram that they would postpone the event due to what they called “malicious accusations”, against the members of their team which included them being called ‘paedophiles’ and ‘groomers’.

In a statement from Wicklow Pride committee, it read: “Our young people, who look to us for safety and acceptance, must be our priority. We cannot, in good conscience, hold this event under such hostile conditions. Their safety and mental well-being come first.”

Across the western world, governments, corporations, and the media/entertainment establishment have been heavily promoting and exhausting homosexuality and transgenderism for years but as these promotions increasingly target children, frustration is growing.

Concerned parents are questing why a sexuality themed disco of any kind would be promoted to children as young as 13, when a child is only beginning to undergo their psycho-sexual development.

At such a vulnerable time in a child’s life, they are susceptible grooming and outside influences such as trends which can lead them down paths which can have life changing effects in the long term.

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