Calls for Ireland to consider banning all XL bully dogs – – Our News, Your Views

Calls for Ireland to consider banning all XL bully dogs

Image source: Sky

According to a working group member looking at canine control measures, Ireland ought to think about outlawing the XL bully breed, just like other nations have, reports RTE.

A lady lost her life in a dog attack in County Limerick, prompting calls for the species to be banned.

Though it has not yet been verified, the animal engaged in the event is thought to be an XL bully dog, reports RTE.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Six One, veteran James Madden argued in favour of a ban analogous to the one that is in effect in the UK.

“I think we should consider introducing a ban on the XL bully as has been introduced in the UK. Currently in Northern Ireland there’s a ban coming on the XL bully. I think we should follow the same route,” Mr Madden said, reports RTE.

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