Coronavirus: Dublin Capuchin Centre uses its church to feed the homeless one metre apart with hot meals – – Our News, Your Views

Coronavirus: Dublin Capuchin Centre uses its church to feed the homeless one metre apart with hot meals

The priests and charity workers at the Dublin Capuchin Centre are doing what they can to ensure that the homeless people they work with are still getting hot meals on a daily basis.

The fact that social-distancing has been enforced has it difficult for the charity to keep doing what they do best, but thankfully Fr Sean Donohue said that they’re resourceful and managing to continue as normal.

Fr Sean said that they’ve opened their church for homeless people to come into, sit one metre apart from each other and eat hot meals provided by the centre.

Fr Sean said thank God it’s working well and they’re going to do their best to continue if lockdown measures have to be increased.

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