Elderly farmer steps up and defends his son, who shot a burglar as he ransacked the family home – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Elderly farmer steps up and defends his son, who shot a burglar as he ransacked the family home


83-year-old Richard Lowndes has said that his son Graham was “trying to do the right thing” when he shot burglar Matthew Fahey.

Mr. Lowndes’s son Graham received the probation act in Dublin Circuit Court last month. He pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of having a shotgun without a certificate.

The burglar had more than 60 convictions for theft, burglary and car theft. He is now in the process of suing Graham Lowndes for the injuries received on the day. He took 17 pellets in the arm after the shotgun blast.

Gangs of thugs are roaming the Irish countryside, looking for vulnerable elderly prey, and Gardai are not able to put up any meaningful opposition as their resources are rather limited.

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