Fianna Fáil say they will ‘engage’ with MEPs on Von der Leyen vote – – Our News, Your Views

Fianna Fáil say they will ‘engage’ with MEPs on Von der Leyen vote

In order to vote for Ursula Von der Leyen to be elected to a second term as President of the European Commission, Fianna Fáil will consult with its four MEPs, according to Minister of State for Higher Education Niall Collins, reports RTE.

According to Mr. Collins, the party would consider this in light of getting Ireland’s nomination for commissioner, Michael McGrath, the finest portfolio possible.

Michael McGrath, the Minister of Finance, has been nominated by the Government to be Ireland’s next Commissioner.

However, there is concern within the Coalition that a group of Government MEPs voting against Ms. von der Leyen may harm Mr. McGrath’s chances of being appointed to a top economic position, reports RTE.

Mr. Collins stated that Fianna Fáil MEPs “will have to reflect on the position they took during the election campaign” when speaking on RTÉ’s The Week in Politics.

In the anticipated secret ballot that is scheduled for mid-July, the four MEPs from Fianna Fáil had declared their intention to vote against Ms. von der Leyen.

A majority in the European Parliament is required for Ms. von der Leyen to be successful, and there are signs that she could have trouble getting enough votes, reports RTE.

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