Figures reveal thousands of convicted murderers, paedophiles and rapists have entered UK under freedom of movement in the last three years – – Our News, Your Views

Figures reveal thousands of convicted murderers, paedophiles and rapists have entered UK under freedom of movement in the last three years

Image source: Express

It has been discovered after a Freedom of Information request in the UK that around 2000 people with serious convictions, including murderers, paedophiles and rapists have been allowed to enter the UK unhindered over the past three years.

It was revealed after Alice Gross was killed by Latvian man who moved to the UK under the EU’s freedom of movement that around 827 foreign killers, 714 rapists and 482 child abusers from 2016 to 2018 however, people convicted of robbery and burglary were not included in these figures.

The murder of UK citizen Alice Gross (14) in 2014 at the hands of Latvian man Arnis Zalkalns sent shockwaves through the country after it was revealed that Zalkalns had a previous conviction for murder but could not be barred from the UK due to the fact he is an EU citizen.

With the UK set to leave the EU on January 31st many pro-Brexit British citizens are calling for an end to Britain’s participation in the EU’s freedom of movement regime.

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