Final budget for Enda Kenny as ministers predict his exit for next summer  – – Our News, Your Views

Final budget for Enda Kenny as ministers predict his exit for next summer 

Taoiseach Enda Kenny is unlikely to oversee another budget and will be gone by the summer, according to senior Fine Gael ministers.

“No way he stays until 2018. He has done his last budget and the summer time seems likely when he steps down,” declared one minister. 

It is predicted also that the Minister for Finance Michael Noonan will depart with Mr Kenny, due to growing health concerns.

The majority of Fine Gael ministers believe a 2017 general election is on the cards due to the unstable nature of the minority Government with the Independents.

Kerry TD Brendan Griffin made comments during the summer, about preparing for an early election, essentially calling on The Taoiseach to announce his intended departure.

Mr Griffin’s timing had been described as inopportune, but it was noted that “his analysis was spot on”.

“The middle ground has shifted and there is a growing disenchantment with the so-called new politics,” said one minister.

“I think at this stage he will have to be gone by the summer, and many moderates within the party feel the same,” the minister said.

Mr Kenny recently said that he hopes to welcome Pope Francis to Ireland as Taoiseach. The Pope is due to visit Ireland in 2018.

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