Gardai appeal for witnesses after young teenager arrested after violent disorder incidents in Phoenix Park – – Our News, Your Views

Gardai appeal for witnesses after young teenager arrested after violent disorder incidents in Phoenix Park

Gardaí are looking into violent disturbance episodes that occurred in Phoenix Park last week and have detained a teenager, reports Breaking News.

On Monday, the man—who is in his late teens—will appear in court.

At before 11.30 p.m. on Monday, June 17, gardaí responded to an anonymous call regarding an incident in Phoenix Park and went to the scene, reports Breaking News.

Despite conducting a search, nobody came forward to be identified to the gardaí.

After conducting more inquiries, gardaí discovered a suspect.

The guy was taken into custody at a north Dublin Garda station after being suspected of violating the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Persons Act, 1997, reports Breaking News.

He has been charged and is scheduled to appear on Monday morning before the Criminal Courts of Justice.

Investigations are underway, according to Gardaí, reports Breaking News.

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