They’re not happy: Public sector workers are calling for higher starting salaries – – Our News, Your Views

They’re not happy: Public sector workers are calling for higher starting salaries

Workers in the public sector have demanded higher entry-level compensation for the civil and public services due to concerns that the remuneration for new hires is much too low, reports RTE.

The nation’s largest public sector trade union, Fórsa, held its biannual congress and passed motions addressing the matter.

For the event, which started last night and will continue till tomorrow, over 700 delegates have assembled in Killarney, County Kerry, reports RTE.

There are almost 200 motions up for discussion, covering subjects including pensions, salary, sick leave, remote work, artificial intelligence, and the development of the extreme right.

Fórsa General Secretary Kevin Callinan advocated for a change in the way the government interacts with unions during his speech at the conference, reports RTE.

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