Migrants to have daily expenses allowance means tested under new rules – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Migrants to have daily expenses allowance means tested under new rules

New measures that are scheduled to be presented next month will subject the daily expenditures allowance received by asylum seekers to a means-testing mechanism, reports Breaking News.

The government is concerned that some asylum seekers who are employed are still claiming the allowances, therefore it has released new guidelines outlining the intentions.

An international protection applicant is entitled to a daily expenses allowance of €38.80 per week for adults and €29.80 per week for children if they live in housing provided by the International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) or are waiting to move into housing while their application is being processed.

In the event that an adult is unhoused and on a waiting list for IPAS housing, there is an additional fee of €113.80 each week, reports Breaking News.

The head of Doras, a human rights and immigrant assistance organisation located in Limerick, responded to the measures by stating they will force more people into poverty.

“It’s quite a sudden announcement. It’s already causing distress. It’s going to push more people into poverty. People who came here seeking asylum are already struggling to make ends meet. They’re marginalised, are often vulnerable. They’re at risk of exploitation,” John Lannon told RTÉ radio’s News, reports Breaking News.

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