Transport plan for city centre must go ahead immediately, insists Ryan – – Our News, Your Views

Transport plan for city centre must go ahead immediately, insists Ryan

According to the Transport Minister, Dubliners will be quite incensed if the transportation plan that would prohibit automobiles from passing through the city heart of Dublin is not put into action right soon, reports RTE.

It comes as Emer Higgins, the state minister in charge of business, employment, and retail, announced that she would like Dublin City Council to postpone the August implementation of the plan owing to worries about potential effects on employment and retail sales in the city.

Ms. Higgins will request that the idea be delayed until at least 2025 by Dublin City Council, reports RTE.

August is when changes to the way automobiles may drive through the capital, such as bus gates on the quays, are scheduled to take place.

The modifications are intended to lessen through traffic in the city core, which makes up around 60% of all motor vehicle trips.

But in recent weeks, a number of industry associations, such as the Dublin City Centre Traders Alliance and IBEC, demanded that the plans be put on hold, reports RTE.

They expressed worries about how the traffic strategy may affect jobs and store sales.

Dublin City Council and Minister of State Emer Higgins met last week to talk about the problem. The next scheduled meeting is for tomorrow.

In order to allow for more input and to evaluate the possible impact on jobs, Ms. Higgins revealed to RTÉ News that she will want the council to push out the implementation of the traffic plan until at least after Christmas during the meeting.

She said: “For me it all comes down to protecting jobs. We heard from retailers in the last two weeks in particular that there are very valid concerns,” reports RTE.

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