Government are consulting Attorney General on XL Bully ban, claims Humphreys – – Our News, Your Views

Government are consulting Attorney General on XL Bully ban, claims Humphreys

Image source: Sky

The Minister for Social Protection stated that the Government is in consultation with the Attorney General over the necessary legal modifications for an outright ban on XL Bully dogs, reports RTE.

Unlike Britain, where it is illegal to own an XL Bully unless the owner possesses a valid exemption certificate, no dog breed is prohibited in Ireland.

Still, there are certain breeds that are prohibited in Ireland, notably XL Bullies, reports RTE.

The breeds include Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Doberman dogs, American, English, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Mastiffs, Japanese Akita and Tosa, and Rhodesian Ridgebacks.

Speaking in the Seanad chamber this afternoon, Heather Humphreys stated that investigations into the operation of an XL Bully-ban are already underway, reports RTE.

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