Swedish PM claims rising crime epidemic not linked to migrant crisis despite contradicting statistics – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Swedish PM claims rising crime epidemic not linked to migrant crisis despite contradicting statistics

Image source: Le Monde

Sweden has seen an unprecedented rise in crime and anti-social behaviour in recent years, with bombings and shootings becoming a common occurrence in cities such as Malmö but now the country’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has spoken out to deny links between crime and migration.

Crime has become so bad in fact, that neighbouring Denmark has re-imposed decades long abandoned border controls to stop criminal activity spilling over into Copenhagen from nearby MalmĂś.

Despite the fact that statistics reveal the overwhelming majority of those being arrested in relation to gang and organised crime activity coming from migrant backgrounds, living in so-called “vulnerable areas”, the Swedish government is keen to keep this reality under wraps.

In a report from September by newspaper ‘Expressen’ it was shown that the majority of suspects in shooting cases in the culturally enriched city of Malmö were from migrant backgrounds.

In October it was also revealed by the Sweden’s integration database for health insurance and labour market studies (LISA) said that up to 90 per cent of refugees who arrived in the country with the 2015 migrant crisis and have since attained permanent residency are unemployed.

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