Dublin city householders are set to see property tax increase again – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Dublin city householders are set to see property tax increase again

It is anticipated that homeowners in the Dublin City Council district would experience an increase in local property taxes in 2026 as a result of a deal reached by many political parties for the next council, reports RTE.

According to the alliance of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, the Green Party, and Labour, the proposal will generate €14.5 million annually for the city, with funds set aside for playgrounds, housing upkeep, and street cleaning.

Council members have had the authority to alter the local property tax’s base rate by 15% ever since it was first implemented more than ten years ago, reports RTE.

Dublin City Council has decided to maintain it at the lowest feasible rate, which is 15% less than the base rate, till 2024.

That is anticipated to persist through 2025; however, as per the agreement, the coalition will vote in favour of a 15% rise in property taxes for residents of Dublin City Council starting in 2026.

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael backed the increase put up by the Green Party and Labour, which would have allowed them to establish a partnership on the Council and win 31 of the 63 seats. To get their backing, the organisation is in discussions with several Independent council members.

The political grouping claims in a paper titled Delivering for Dublin that they will give Dublin City Council cogent leadership and concentrate on getting “back to basics” in order to address problems like park maintenance and street cleaning, reports RTE.

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