Putin pledges a ceasefire in Ukraine if Zelensky withdraws troops and drops NATO plans – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Putin pledges a ceasefire in Ukraine if Zelensky withdraws troops and drops NATO plans

Image source: CNN

In the event that Kyiv starts to remove soldiers from the four occupied Ukrainian areas and abandons intentions to join NATO, Russian President Vladimir Putin has pledged to “immediately” order a truce in the country and start discussions, reports Breaking News.

Kyiv, which seeks to join the military alliance and has insisted that Russia remove its soldiers from all of its territory, seems unlikely to approve of such an agreement.

Mr. Putin declared during an address at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow, “We will do it immediately,” reports Breaking News.

His comments coincided with the G7 summit in Italy and with Switzerland getting ready to welcome a large number of international leaders this weekend to discuss how to start the process of negotiating peace in Ukraine.

In contrast to “freezing” the crisis in Ukraine, Mr. Putin stated that his approach aims for a “final resolution” and emphasised that the Kremlin is “ready to start negotiations without delay.”

The Russian leader enumerated other general requests for peace, such as Ukraine’s non-nuclear status, limitations on its use of force, and defence of the rights of the nation’s Russian-speaking populace, reports Breaking News.

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