Woman appears in court charged with assaulting Garda near site of controversial migrant centre – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Woman appears in court charged with assaulting Garda near site of controversial migrant centre

This lady has been accused with attacking a Garda near the location of a contentious asylum seeker facility in County Wicklow, and she has appeared in court, reports The Mirror.

Martina Gregory, 53, is accused of attacking a garda close to Trudder, the facility in Newtown Mount Kennedy that houses applicants for international protection.

Ms Gregory, who resides at Killadreenan in Newtown Mount Kennedy, is accused of attacking an officer on May 1 near the town’s Trudder Road, reports The Mirror.

Earlier this year, the location saw many demonstrations over the center’s intentions to host dozens of asylum seekers.

Ms. Gregory remained silent throughout the brief hearing as she appeared before Judge David Kennedy at Wicklow District Court in Bray this morning, reports The Mirror.

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