Uproar as migrant receives suspended sentence for possession of baby rape video on phone – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Uproar as migrant receives suspended sentence for possession of baby rape video on phone

An African migrant has received a suspended sentence for possession of a video which showed a baby being raped.

Frank Kamara with an address in Loreto Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on January 17th, in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

The man had emailed the horrifying video to his supervisor and, according to the Irish Times, when he was confronted told him he was just sending him the video to ā€œhighlight the dangers of children exploitation.ā€

Kamara then agreed to visit a Garda Station and admit to being in possession of the video.

Garda Joanne Grogan told the prosecution that the video which was just under five minutes long showed a boy aged one to two being raped by an adult man.

Karama said the video was sent to him by a woman in Nigeria and that he immediately deleted it after sending it to his supervisor.

Presiding Judge Elma Sheehan accepted that there was mitigating factors in the case including Karamaā€™s guilty plea, self-reporting the offence and his co-operation with GardaĆ­.

Karama received a 12-month suspended sentence during which time he will be bound to the peace.

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