Harris says fuel hikes are now ‘under review’ – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Harris says fuel hikes are now ‘under review’

Increases in motor gasoline are “under review,” according to the Taoiseach, reports Breaking News.

Simon Harris has intimated that the existing reduced rates of excise tax may be ‘rolled over’, thus he has declined to confirm whether a jump in the price of petrol and diesel in August will occur.

While a rise in the carbon price is suggested for October, a reversal of the lower rate of excise duty on fuel and diesel is scheduled for August.

Mr Harris said: “We want motorists to know that, as a Government, we keep this under review and have great form in this regard. Reversals on reductions that were due to come into place as far back as August 2022 have been rolled over,” reports Breaking News.

In response to Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald’s plea for the government to back off from taking actions that might result in higher petrol prices, Mr. Harris made his statement.

Nine days before local and European elections, Ms. McDonald accused the Taoiseach of “talking a big game,” reports Breaking News.

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