EU directive will see ‘no caps get left behind’ on drink containers from July – – Our News, Your Views

EU directive will see ‘no caps get left behind’ on drink containers from July

If you just bought a pleasant drink in a plastic bottle, you might have found it a little difficult to sip from it, reports RTE.

Rather irritating, the cap did not come off when it opened, thus it may have gotten in the way of your progress.

Your experience stemming from this may be traced back to the EU’s Single Use Plastics Directive.

According to the directive’s most recent provision, all plastic bottle tops must be fastened to bottles, reports RTE.

A representative for the Department of the Environment, Climate, and Communications stated that all beverage containers (bottles, cartons, and pouches) up to three litres in capacity are subject to the new tethering system.

“A significant volume of caps are separated from their containers after use.. and caps which are placed in recycling bins tend to be too small and too light for recycling sorting equipment to handle and typically end up as non-recycled residual waste. Caps account for about 15% of packaging litter, according to latest litter data published by the National Litter Pollution Monitoring System,” reports RTE.

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