Former scout master thug gets jailed for four years for abusing boys in Cork – – Our News, Your Views

Former scout master thug gets jailed for four years for abusing boys in Cork

A 78-yr-old former scout leader was sentenced to four years in prison after it was found earlier this year that he had sexually assaulted five young boys in Cork more than three decades ago, reports Breaking News.

Earlier this year, the Cork Circuit Criminal Court heard the trial of Noel Sheehan, of Chimneyfields, Glenville, County Cork.

Against seventeen charges, the former hospital porter had entered a not guilty plea. Out of the 17 charges, the jury found 16 of them guilty. In this instance, there were five complainants, reports Breaking News.

Judge Helen Boyle questioned Ray Boland SC, Sheehan’s attorney, on Thursday about whether his client had accepted the injury verdict. which Mr. Boland said his customer didn’t.

“I am not in a position to express any remorse on his part,” Mr Boland added, reports Breaking News.

While describing the charges as “serious,” the attorney asked for the case to be handled leniently. “These are at the lower end of the scale, but they are serious offences affecting youth and a serious breach of trust.”

Sheehan was a scout leader with a troop of scouts in Cork City in the late 1980s, and he used to take members out on camping weekends, the prosecution’s lawyer Katherine McGillycuddy BL said during the trial.

According to Ms. McGillycuddy, the jury will hear testimony from five complainants who said that during those wild weekends, Sheehan fondled and caressed their private areas both inside and outside of their clothes, reports Breaking News.

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