Homes should be out of bounds, claims Harris after protest – – Our News, Your Views

Homes should be out of bounds, claims Harris after protest

Taoiseach Simon Harris warned that houses and families “should be out of bounds” following a demonstration that protestors staged outside his residence, reports RTE.

About sixteen people showed up to the home to protest, some of them carrying placards that said, “South Dublin Says No Close The Borders.”

Speaking from Belfast, Mr Harris said: “Whether it’s my home, whether it’s the home of the leader of the Opposition or anybody, I have a very clear view, I irk when I even hear it described as protest because to me it’s not protest and we shouldn’t in any way seek to normalise this. It is behaviour that can be intimidating, it can be deeply upsetting and I think it’s important that people’s families and people’s homes are always out of bounds,” reports RTE.

“There are laws and we recently asked the gardaí were the laws adequate in terms of being able to protect people, their families and their homes – the gardaí have responded that they are. So therefore I think we need to continue to support the gardaí in making sure that action, no matter whose home it is, is taken because nobody’s family deserves to experience it,” reports RTE.

Neighbours phoned the Gardaí to the situation. No one was taken into custody.

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