Inspirational: Northern Irish man Desmond James Calvert, born without hands, builds amazingly complex Lego structures – – Our News, Your Views

Inspirational: Northern Irish man Desmond James Calvert, born without hands, builds amazingly complex Lego structures

Did you or your kids get Lego from Santy this Christmas? Is is Lego Creator, Lego Town or Lego Technic? Well, whatever it is it’s probably a struggle with all the little pieces and detailed instructions.

Well you’ve got competition! Desmond James Calvert from Portstewart in Northern Ireland is a real inspiration.

The 45-tr-old was born without hands just to his elbow and legs just to his knees. Desmond has a congenital condition which doctors call Phocomelia.

Desmond James (DJ) told The Liberal:
“I’ve loved Lego since I was 9 or 10. I saw an advert on tv for Lego and asked my parents if Santa could bring me some Lego for Christmas, yes I still believed in Santa a wee bit lol.”

DJ is now known as “The Lego man” and even has a personalised number plate with “Lego” as the digits. He builds the most complex Lego sets available with many more complex creations of his own.

He told us:
“It really took off from there, so 36 years later… here I am! Friends and family always told me to show off my skills at building Lego with no hands but I just laughed and said nobody would be interested, oh how wrong was I lol”

“I’ve always been determined, some say stubborn, but I have never given up on life even with my disability and Lego is part of that journey. Just because you have a disability doesn’t mean that is the end, far from it. It’s only the beginning. My slogan is IF I CAN, YOU CAN”

“My main aim is to inspire kids all over the world. I’ve been going into schools which has been fantastic, the response I get is brilliant!”

Check out DJ’s video below of just how incredible he is at building Lego… with no hands! Amazing!

No doubt DJ’s Lego structures will only get bigger, better and even more complex!

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