Investigation continues after American tourist found dead off Greek island, three more missing – – Our News, Your Views

Investigation continues after American tourist found dead off Greek island, three more missing

Three more tourists were reported missing when an American was discovered dead close to the Greek island of Corfu, according to media reports. This was the latest tourist death amid an unusual heatwave, reports RTE.

According to Athens News Agency and state television ERT, a visitor discovered the missing 55-year-old man in the sea close to Mathraki’s old harbour and notified the authorities.

The man’s remains will be sent to Corfu hospital for a post-mortem test; he was last seen alive on Tuesday.

He was in Mathraki for a holiday with a Greek-American buddy, according to Athens News Agency, reports RTE.

This is the second instance of a visitor dying in Greece’s islands in recent days, following the death of a 74-year-old Dutchman and BBC presenter Michael Mosley in Symi last week.

Searches are still on for a second tourist in Amorgos, and two French ladies, 64 and 73 years old, have also been reported missing from Sikinos, a tiny island in the Aegean Sea.

In the first week of June, most of them were trying to walk in the intense heat as record highs of 43 degrees Celsius were recorded over most of Greece, reports RTE.

It was the first heatwave on record, according to meteorologists. For Greece, a heatwave is defined as temperatures over 38C for three days in a row.

For the second day in a row, Thursday’s peak heat hours were off-limits to visitors to Greece’s most popular monument, the UNESCO-listed Athens Acropolis archaeological site, reports RTE.

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