Ireland need only look to Sweden to see the consequences of open borders insanity – – Our News, Your Views

Ireland need only look to Sweden to see the consequences of open borders insanity

In just the last decade Sweden has gone from one of the safest and most crime free countries in the world to second only to Mexico in bomb attacks for a country not currently engaged in war and has seen rates of sexual assault and rape skyrocket to South African levels.

This catastrophe has manifested after the country allowed hundreds of thousands of mostly Muslim migrants to settle in the Scandinavian nation, which like Ireland, offers obscenely generous welfare and housing benefits to foreigners.

Now, sections of cities such as Malmo and Stockholm are considered no-go-zones due to anti-social behaviour and gang violence but after years of spiralling rates of violence, murder and rape an atrocity earlier this month may have pushed the besieged indigenous Swedes too far.

Cycling through a Stockholm suburb on their way to a swimming pool and father and son were accosted by a gang of migrant youths, something they, like nearly all Swedes, are now used to experience on a daily basis in the country’s major cities, however, the father decided to confront the abusers this time.

After daring to tell the migrant youths to leave him and his son alone, the 39-yr-old father identified only as, Mikael, was shot dead in front of his 12-yr-old son.

The so far at large perpetrators may be as young as 12 themselves as migrant drug gangs often use children from their communities to transport drugs and weapons as they are not criminally liable.

This is not the first and certainly won’t be the last such atrocity to be committed in the new Sweden, as time goes on, this will become ever more normalised.

This is the tragic situation that Ireland will find itself in should the political establishment’s agenda to flood the country with non-Europeans and fundamentally, demographically alter remake our nation be allowed to continue.

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