“It’s disgraceful” – Negative reactions to soldier avoiding jail term after beating woman unconscious and breaking her nose – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

“It’s disgraceful” – Negative reactions to soldier avoiding jail term after beating woman unconscious and breaking her nose

After receiving a wholly suspended sentence—which the victim called “not justice”—a serving soldier who randomly attacked a lady, beating her until she passed out, and boasted about it on social media is no longer in court, reports RTE.

In an attempt to place the blame on the victim, Natasha O’Brien, 24, Cathal Crotty, 22, of Parkroe Heights, Ardnacrusha, Co Clare, originally told the gardaí who caught him that she was the one who started the attack on O’Connell Street in Limerick on May 29, 2022.

However, Crotty acknowledged his guilt before the Limerick Circuit Criminal Court after it was revealed to them that he had attacked her without warning in CCTV footage.

He boasted about the attack to pals on Snapchat hours later, reports RTE.

He reportedly struck Ms. O’Brien, of North Circular Road, Limerick, after she and a companion “politely” requested that he cease yelling homophobic epithets at bystanders, the court was informed.

Crotty did not know Ms. O’Brien; she was heading home with a female companion following her shift at a pub when he attacked her with violence, reports RTE.

In addition to bruises and a broken nose, the victim also experienced panic attacks and nightmares. She expressed her belief that Crotty would murder her.

When a male onlooker interfered, Crotty ran away, leaving his pals behind, reports RTE.

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