Man who raped his housemate who couldn’t speak English in ‘terrifying ordeal’ jailed in Dublin for seven years – – Our News, Your Views

Man who raped his housemate who couldn’t speak English in ‘terrifying ordeal’ jailed in Dublin for seven years

A man has been sentenced to seven years in prison for sexually abusing and raping his flatmate over the course of many horrific days, reports Breaking News.

After the first sexual attack, the woman—who had just arrived in Ireland—stayed in her room for two days until she was raped. She did not speak English and did not know anybody else in the nation.

After then, according to testimony given to the Central Criminal Court, she fled the flat and asked a bystander for assistance while entering “I was raped” into Google Translate on her phone, reports Breaking News.

In order to preserve the woman’s privacy, the 65-year-old male, whose name cannot be disclosed, entered a guilty plea to the charges of rape and sexual assault on October 19 and 21, 2022, respectively.

He pointed out that the incidents continue to have a significant psychological and physical impact on her, affecting her outlook on life and sense of security.

Regarding the rape offence, the judge imposed a headline sentence of eight years and six months, reports Breaking News.

Since moving to Ireland in 2020, the accused has been an industrious man, according to Mr. Justice McDermott, and he has never drawn the notice of the Garda.

In addition, he mentioned that he was separated from his family while in detention, struggled with language, and would be serving his time as a foreign national in Ireland.

Seven years’ worth of concurrent sentences were handed down by Mr. Justice McDermott; they were retroactive to October 2022, the month the defendant was taken into prison. Three years of post-release monitoring were also mandated by him, reports Breaking News.

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