Martin says that he is deeply upset and annoyed over Oireachtas Golf Society event calling it a monumental error of judgement – – Our News, Your Views

Martin says that he is deeply upset and annoyed over Oireachtas Golf Society event calling it a monumental error of judgement

As the Dail prepares to sit sooner than expected thanks to the GolfGate, the newly appointed Taoiseach Micheal Martin has said that he is deeply annoyed and upset over the Oireachtas Golf society event, saying that it was a monumental error of judgement.

Speaking to RTE News, the Taoiseach said that he fully understands the anger amongst the public following the event which saw a number of high profile politicians and other figures in attendance.

Martin told RTE that what happened should never have happened and it was very wrong especially that people across the country sacrificed so much.

He added that he was deeply deeply disappointed at what transpired and reiterated that there will be not one rule for those in office and one for everyone else.

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