Taxi driver in Dublin accused of rape claims that sex with complainant was consensual – – Our News, Your Views

Taxi driver in Dublin accused of rape claims that sex with complainant was consensual

When they were having consensual intercourse, the second complainant allegedly asked the cab driver, who is suspected of raping two young ladies, “was this off the bill,” reports Breaking News.

In a prepared statement, the man told the Central Criminal Court that the lady, who was 20 years old at the time, had been smiling and kissing him during their sexual encounter. “Was this off the bill?” she then reportedly questioned him.

“I assumed it was a jest. I joked, ‘no, it’s not,'” he remarked to the gardaí, reports Breaking News.

In response to the August 9, 2022, rape of this woman, the 50-year-old entered a not guilty plea. He has also denied raping and anal raping a different lady in June of last year.

The man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, refutes the accusations and claims that he had consensual intercourse with each of the women.

The man was allegedly raped by the second complainant on August 9th, 2022, and was taken into custody at his residence, according to testimony presented before the Central Criminal Court on Tuesday. After being warned, he said, “I didn’t rape anyone,” reports Breaking News.

This woman testified on Monday that, after hanging out with friends, she made the decision to take a cab home in the wee hours of August 9.

She added that because she was exhausted and inebriated, she slept off during the trip, reports Breaking News.

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