Very little scope to hold Budget early, says Fianna Fail’s McGrath – – Our News, Your Views

Very little scope to hold Budget early, says Fianna Fail’s McGrath

The Finance Minister has stated that considering the amount of preparation required, there is virtually little chance of holding the Budget early, reports RTE.

According to Michael McGrath, a budget will be held in October in the customary manner.

The minister stated that there had been no talks inside the Government about moving forward the Budget date, reports RTE.

However, in the coming weeks, a letter suggesting an October Budget will be sent to Cabinet.

The Finance Minister’s major involvement occurs in the midst of increased conjecture that the Budget may be passed early to facilitate an October general election.

To give effect to all of the budget’s objectives, Minister McGrath stated that two bills—one for finance and the other for social welfare—must be passed following the budget, reports RTE.

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