Why was he ever here? Gardai deported serial sex offender to Democratic Republic of Congo – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Why was he ever here? Gardai deported serial sex offender to Democratic Republic of Congo

It has surfaced that Gardai deported a serial sex offender to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, reports The Mirror.

Gardai confirmed that the deportation took place yesterday and that the Department of Justice assisted in its “successful execution.”

The Garda National Immigration Bureau considered the sex offender’s deportation “a priority” since he had 19 prior convictions in Ireland for theft, false imprisonment, and sexual offences, reports The Mirror.

A garda spokesperson said: “Gardaí attached to the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) and with the assistance of Department of Justice successfully executed a Deportation Order of Chico Makamda to Democratic Republic of Congo on Friday 7th June, 2024. Chico Makamda was serving a custodial sentence in the Midlands Prison for Failing to Notify a Change in Details in contravention of the Sex Offenders Act 2001, and has nineteen (19) recorded previous convictions in the state for numerous Sexual offences, False Imprisonment and Theft,” reports The Mirror.

In 2019, Chico Makamda—who had previously lived at Viking House, Coffee House Lane, The Quay, Waterford—was imprisoned for a horrifying assault in which he assaulted and detained a lady, then started to masturbate in front of her.

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