Young teenager arrested after woman (20s) assaulted on flight diverted to Shannon Airport – – Our News, Your Views

Young teenager arrested after woman (20s) assaulted on flight diverted to Shannon Airport

Following an incident aboard an airplane that was diverted to Shannon Airport on Wednesday evening, a man in his late teens has been detained by Gardaí, reports The Mirror.

A lady in her 20s was attacked on a flight from Glasgow to Tenerife, which resulted in the flight being diverted to Shannon. Alerted by rumours of an unrest aboard the flight, Gardaí boarded the aircraft as it landed at Shannon Airport and took into custody an individual related to the event.

Investigations are still on, and he is presently being held at a Garda station in County Clare.

A statement from An Garda Síochána read: “Gardaí at Shannon have arrested an individual following an incident on board a aircraft that diverted to Shannon Airport on Wednesday, 12th June 2024. Shortly after 5:30pm, Gardaí were alerted following reports of a disturbance on a flight from Glasgow to Tenerife. The aircraft diverted to Shannon Airport, where Gardaí boarded the plane. During the incident, a woman in her 20s was assaulted,” reports The Mirror.

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