Black Friday Madness: Shocking videos emerge online showing shoppers disgracefully fighting over bargain deals – – Our News, Your Views

Black Friday Madness: Shocking videos emerge online showing shoppers disgracefully fighting over bargain deals

Black Friday is all over for another year and it all seemed to go off without a whimper for shoppers here and in the UK, but shoppers across the pond in the U.S. the annual sales event caused pandemonium as shoppers have squabbled over low price products with scenes severely getting out of hand.

The internet has been awash with clips of disgraceful scenes of shoppers fighting in stores in order to get those bargain deals, and none more so than this a woman who is getting widespread attention on social media after she is caught on cae seemingly grabbing a vegetable steamer from an innocent child’s hands. In the shocking clip the woman is seen grabbing the kitchen appliance from the youngsters hands after a crowd of people dive in on top of the remainder of the items.

However the woman at the centre of the controversy then finds herself the subject of another woman’s rage — possibly the mother of the young child — who tries to pry the steamer out of her hands as she screams, “Why are you being so aggressive?! You’re scaring me!”

Meanwhile another video has emerged showing two men knocking one another to the ground while throwing punches. The footage was reportedly captured inside the Mall St. Matthews in Louisville, Kentucky, on Thanksgiving night. It’s unclear what started this intense spat, but a crowd stood around the chaos and watched as it unfolded.

What has the world come to? Complete madness.

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