Bus Éireann ordered to pay €4,000 to Cork passenger who was ‘publicly humiliated’ after not being allowed on bus with guide dog – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Bus Éireann ordered to pay €4,000 to Cork passenger who was ‘publicly humiliated’ after not being allowed on bus with guide dog

Image source: TheLiberal.ie

A man with vision impairments who was “publicly humiliated” when he was denied access to a bus in Cork with his guide dog last year has been ordered to receive €4,000 in compensation from Bus Éireann, reports The Mirror.

According to a decision by the Workplace Relations Commission, Kenneth Walsh was the victim of handicap discrimination at the hands of the bus business.

The WRC stressed Bus Éireann to take into consideration its recommendation, noting that a straightforward sign stating that guide dogs are allowed on all buses might prevent similar situations, reports The Mirror.

While acknowledging that Mr. Walsh was not permitted to board the bus, the business insisted the occurrence was unique and the result of “an honest mistake.”

It refuted claims that the way it handled the passenger amounted to discrimination, though.

When Mr. Walsh attempted to join the 226 bus service to Cork in Kinsale on June 26, 2023, the bus driver informed him that there was no place for him and his guide dog, he told the WRC, reports The Mirror.

When Mr. Walsh attempted to join the 226 bus service to Cork in Kinsale on June 26, 2023, the bus driver informed him that there was no place for him and his guide dog, he told the WRC.

Despite the fact that the bus was “practically empty,” he said the driver had verified to him that he was refusing to allow him to ride the service, reports The Mirror.

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