Chaotic scenes as gardai in Galway arrest two youths in large teenage clash – both released a short time later – – Our News, Your Views

Chaotic scenes as gardai in Galway arrest two youths in large teenage clash – both released a short time later

Gardai had a very heated encounter with a large group of teenagers in Galway on Saturday evening – and by heated, we don’t mean from the weather.

Gardai were called to disperse a large gathering of teenagers who were on the Salthill promenade and beach area of the city after a fist fight brought out among two of them.

When they arrived in a squad car, a garda van was called for to bring more gardai to the scene.

One of the youths got very angry and resisted arrest with a large gang of up to 40 teenagers then trying to block gardai.

They were eventually arrested and released a short time later.

The footage below shows gardai appearing to have quite a lot of difficulty getting the teenagers to leave the area and go home.

Locals say that there was absolutely no social distancing taking place in the area at the time the garda arrived.

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