Cheers Eamon! EV chargers every 60km along major roads under new plan – – Our News, Your Views

Cheers Eamon! EV chargers every 60km along major roads under new plan

One of the new initiatives outlined by Minister of Transport Eamon Ryan to encourage interest in electric automobiles is improved access to EV charging stations, reports Breaking News.

The plan aims for EV chargers every 60km along the motorway network. Mr Ryan said: “The National Road Plan constitutes the first part of a national EV charging network plan, focusing on the en-route, motorway and primary and secondary road network. The plan sets out ambitious targets for the level and coverage needed for charging on our national roads network, including chargers installed every 60km on major roads,” reports Breaking News.

Kevin McPartlan of Fuels for Ireland (FFI), a group that advocates for gasoline suppliers and forecourt operators, has praised the action.

The FFI, however, described the existing functioning as “little short of a joke” and stated that the government should do more to encourage individuals in the industry, including a quicker approach to the planning procedure for building charging outlets, reports Breaking News.

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