Investigation continues after masked protesters cleared by gardaí after gathering outside Taoiseach’s family home – – Our News, Your Views

Investigation continues after masked protesters cleared by gardaí after gathering outside Taoiseach’s family home

On Friday night, a crowd of protestors wearing masks gathered in front of the Taoiseach’s residence, reports Breaking News.

A small group of people wearing masks and waving Irish flags called Gardaí and they were dispatched to an address in Greystones, County Wicklow.

Protesters called for the removal of asylum seekers’ tents, mass deportations, and closed borders, reports Breaking News.

On Friday night, the event occurred at about 8:00 p.m.

The demonstrators were told to leave by the Gardaí, and soon after, they scattered.

Prior to this, Simon Harris had said that people’s homes and families “should be out of bounds” during a May rally outside his residence.

Speaking last month, Mr Harris said: “I don’t want to say too much about this and I don’t like describing those sorts of things as protest. I’ve a very clear view in relation to this. Whether it’s me, whether it’s an opposition politician, whether it’s anybody, I always think people’s families and people’s homes should be out of bounds,” reports Breaking News.

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