Covid inquiry to be held before general election, says Simon Harris – – Our News, Your Views

Covid inquiry to be held before general election, says Simon Harris

Taoiseach Simon Harris has stated that the Government plans to conduct an investigation into the Covid-19 epidemic prior to the next general election, reports RTE.

According to Mr. Harris, the terms of reference will be released in the upcoming weeks.

His remarks coincided with the release of a new analysis estimating that Ireland had an excess of 1,100 fatalities during the 2020–2021 pandemic years, reports RTE.

Government limits stand out as one potentially key driver for fewer excess fatalities in 2020, according to a research by the Society of Actuaries in Ireland.

“The Government has made it clear, the three parties in Government and our Programme for Government in terms of a review in relation to the pandemic, I think that’s a sensible thing to do,” Mr Harris said, reports RTE.

According to Tánaiste Micheál Martin, it is critical to assess the nation’s performance during the pandemic in order to guide future pandemic preparedness and emergency response efforts.

He added; “I think we have to learn lessons. We have to have an objective look at how we did but a lot of work has happened over the last number of months. I think it’s a matter of selecting people, someone to head up head such an evaluation and take it from there,” reports RTE.

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