Simon Harris slams Sinn Féin’s election performance as ‘unmitigated disaster’ – – Our News, Your Views

Simon Harris slams Sinn Féin’s election performance as ‘unmitigated disaster’

Despite government parties performing better than anticipated, the Taoiseach has declined to call an early general election, branding Sinn Féin’s performance in the municipal elections as a “unmitigated disaster,” reports Breaking News.

In the midst of criticism of the party’s tactics in the council elections, Sinn Féin’s leader expressed her regret that her candidates did not do better in the local elections.

As the local and European election results are being tabulated, Mary Lou McDonald made these remarks, reports Breaking News.

According to Simon Harris, the Irish people were unwilling to “buy what Sinn Féin were selling.”

Additionally, Mr. Harris said that Ms. McDonald attempted to “second guess” the Irish people by making remarks that were “quite insulting.”

Speaking at the RDS count centre in south Dublin, Mr Harris said: “I was very disappointed to hear her comments in relation to, ‘maybe the people on this occasion didn’t really understand this’. The people of this country are sovereign. As I travelled around the country, I think the people knew exactly what Sinn Féin were selling, and they just didn’t want to buy it,” reports Breaking News.

He added: “I think what Sinn Fein needs to realise here is that the Irish people will see through the noise. The Irish people don’t believe they live in a failed state. The Irish people don’t believe in all of the negativity and the ‘rah rah rah’ but the Irish people want is pragmatic delivery,” reports Breaking News.

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