Far-right elements ‘making a lot of noise’ about migrants, claims Martin – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views

Far-right elements ‘making a lot of noise’ about migrants, claims Martin

According to Tánaiste Micheál Martin, although there are legitimate worries about migration in the State, the great majority of people are against any kind of violence or intimidation, reports Breaking News.

The leader of Fianna Fáil acknowledged that far-right groups were “making a lot of noise” on migration, but he insisted that this did not represent society as a whole.

His comments coincided with an ongoing inquiry into last week’s assault on security personnel and fire damage to several cars at a Clonmel, County Tipperary facility intended for modular houses for migrants, reports Breaking News.

Other incidents and demonstrations have taken place outside locations designated for housing asylum seekers, and there have also been anti-immigration demonstrations outside the residences of prominent politicians.

While in Lebanon, Mr. Martin spoke with the media about the Clonmel event and emphasised that individuals had to be free to carry out their jobs without hindrance.

“They are not making the political decisions, they should not be harmed, they should not be intimidated or attacked. I think most people resent that type of physical attacks on people, and it is a concern that that type of activity is growing,” reports Breaking News.

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