Most people expect early general election in autumn, claims Bacik – – Our News, Your Views

Most people expect early general election in autumn, claims Bacik

According to Labour leader Ivana Bacik, the majority of people now anticipate that an early general election will take place in the fall, reports Breaking News.

Ms. Bacik was responding to the outcomes of the State’s municipal and European elections.

While Sinn Féin has started a review after well below its own expectations, the results of the three elections have given coalition partners Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil a political boost, reports Breaking News.

The possibility that Taoiseach Simon Harris may call an early general election has grown as a result of this.

The date of the election, according to Fine Gael Minister of State and Government top whip Hildegarde Naughton, is Mr. Harris’s decision.

“I think most people believe the general election will be held in the autumn. I think it’s most likely to be late October. We are ready for it when it comes,” Ms Bacik told RTÉ’s The Week In Politics show, reports Breaking News.

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