Number of tents pitched along Grand Canal continues to rise – – Our News, Your Views

Number of tents pitched along Grand Canal continues to rise

In Dublin, there are now more than 60 tents erected along a stretch of the Grand Canal to house unaccommodated asylum seekers, up from 26 as of last Thursday, reports RTE.

The tents are situated between Baggot Street and Leeson Street on the north side of the canal.

On Thursday night, the first tents were set up on this section of the canal after others were torn down along a nearby section when individuals were transferred to State-provided lodging locations and barricades were built.

1,780 applications for international protection are reportedly awaiting an offer of state-provided refuge, according to recent data.

Since last Friday, eighty more male asylum seekers have applied for international protection, according to figures released by the Department of Integration, reports RTE.

Following a vulnerability triage, nine were offered lodging supported by the State, leaving 74 without.

Six males who were initially refused housing supplied by the State have been extended an offer of refuge as of Friday.

Data indicates that 3,117 males have applied for International Protection since the State stopped housing all newcomers on December 4th, citing a “severe shortage of accommodations.”

Following a vulnerability triage, 310 new arrivals have been accommodated thus far, reports RTE.

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